Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Republic of Georgia

I'm back!!! Sorry it has been SO long!! 6 months...goodness!! I have a confession, now that I have a Iphone I hardly every use my computer. I know how awful that is, and I am trying to do better. So my life has changed a lot over the past 6 months. I finished my first year of teaching...praise Jesus! There were days were I wasn't sure that I would make it through the year, but I did! And let me just say I was one sad woman when I had to tell my sweet babies goodbye.

Most importantly I want to share with you what God has been doing in my life. A couple months ago we were doing a ladies bible study at my church on the book of Nehemiah. I will be honest I have not really studied the bible like I should until this study. It really made me dig deeper and I gained a yearning for the Word like never before. During this study we talked a lot about having a heart that can break. I was trying to think when is the last time that my heart has really been broken before the Lord? Kelly Minter was the writer of this study, and her and her family traveled to the Amazon many times. So as I was digging into the book of Nehemiah I really felt the Lord tell me that I need to go. Go where? Somewhere where I could share the news of Jesus and eventually have my heart broken for the Lord. Don't you just love the way the Lord works things out? Listen to this...

I have had the privilege to know Tim and Katie Douglas for many years. I first met them at Boger City and they are currently serving in the Republic of Georgia. They had to come to the U.S. for a few months because Katie was pregnant and needed to have their child here. So they came and got to be a part of the Mount Anderson family for a few months and I loved every second of it. While they were there Tim took on the roll of our Associate Pastor and there were talks of a possible trip to the Republic of Georgia. I was so excited, I was like this is my opportunity. Originally the plan was to go next summer, I was like okay I can do that. That will give me some time to save some money and to make sure 100% that I want to go. Well God had another plan....We had a few people show a lot of interest and so they decided to get a trip together this summer. I will admit at first I was freaking out about the money, about should I go, should I not? But when God calls you to do something, you just do it without hesitation (or with as little as hesitation as possible).

I say all that to say this....I AM GOING TO THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA ON TUESDAY!!!!!! I am utterly amazed at the way the Lord has provided. In the beginning I was so worried about the money. Tim said to me many times, "Winter the money will come, don't worry." And guess what? It did. The Lord is not going to call us somewhere and not provide. I had to learn that the hard way, but I am beyond grateful. (Thank you to all of those who donated)!!! I am going with a team of six people, and I am very excited! We will be doing some VBS and sports camp with the children. We are also going to a remote area to help out some refugees and do a baptismal service.

Please please be in prayer for our team!! Pray for safe travels and for lives to be changed. I would also ask that you pray for me. Pray that the Lord will take away my anxiousness that I have about flying. I have only flown once and I was really young so I don't really remember it. But I know that the Lord has called me to go, and so I am not going to let this keep me from doing His will. Thank you in advance!!

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8


Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year. New Me.

This post was inspired by my best friend Anna. While attending a New Year's Eve party the other night, she came up with an idea that her family does every birthday. You say three good things about the past year and three things you are looking forward to in the coming year. I have never really been big on making new year's resolutions I really liked this idea. So here are mine...

3 good things from 2012
1. Getting a job-although there are days where I question if this is where I am supposed to be I am thankful to have a job doing something that I love. I am thankful that I now feel financially stable and that I don't have to ask my parents for money.

2. In June 2012 my best friend came home from Argentina. This is a good thing because although we talked while she was gone, it was def not the same has having her here every day and just being able to pick up the phone to call her. I know that her time in Argentina was the biggest blessing for her, and that she has grown so much. I am glad she is home!

3. Realizing how important family is. I know how cliche this sounds, but it's the truth. When you think family is the only thing you got, you realize not to take them for granted. I am very grateful for mine especially during this past year.

3 things I am looking forward to in 2013
1. Losing weight and starting a healthier lifestyle!

2. Growing in Christ even more! I feel that 2013 is going to be a great year and that God has big things in store for me! I can't wait to see what these things are.

3. You knew it was coming-the possibility of meeting my future husband. I know that this may not be the year, but I am being hopeful in prayer that it is. But it will all depend on God's timing. Trust me I'm ready. 

Happy New Year!! Looking forward to a great 2013