Wednesday, March 14, 2012


So most of you know that I have been reading Made to Crave. And yes I am still reading it, but only because I am doing it with a great group of girls and we only do two chapters a week. This book is changing my life! Before I began to read this book I never really thought about losing weight as a spiritual thing, but my perspective has definitely changed. In the beginning of this book it talks about craving God more and other things less. Let's be honest I crave food A LOT, more than I crave God a lot times. I have come to the realization that I don't want to live my life this way. I want to be a strong, healthy, woman of God. When people ask me what diet I am doing, I always say I'm not calling it a diet I am calling it a lifestyle change. The reason being that this is something that I want to continue to do for the rest of my life. I don't want a short-term fix, I want a long-term fix. And one that will also bring me closer to my Lord Jesus Christ. So far I have lost 8lbs, but when we first started this I was not really exercising. I just thought Oh I will start it later, whatever. Well when I read the chapter on exercise in this book, I knew that I needed to get my butt in gear. So that is exactly what has happened. I am on day 4 of walking around my neighborhood twice every night. On Monday I started where I would run from the first house on my road until my house. Which isn't very far, but at least it's something. I can't tell you how much better this makes me feel about myself. I know that I can do this with the help of the Lord. And I AM DOING IT!! In this book Lysa talks about how she hated exercising, but every time she felt the need to stop she would pray. God spoke to her many times and said "Don't do it in your own strength, do it in MINE." I say those words in my head daily, because trust me this is a very new thing for me so it is hard. But I am making progress and I am so proud of myself. Well it's time for my daily walk...have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo!! I didn't know you had lost 8 lbs! That is awesome!! Keep up the good work!! <3
