Saturday, March 3, 2012

Busy Bee

I have been a busy bee to say the least, which is the reason that I have been MIA! There has been so much going on that I don't even know where to start, but I do want to share some of the things that are going on in my life! 

I am still LOVING my internship! I have grown to love my kids more and more. I didn't even know that it was possible to love them this much. I am already dreading the day that I have to leave in May. This past week we did Dr. Seuss! I like love Dr. Seuss and this was the first week that I started doing most of the leading/teaching. On Tuesday we made Thing 1 and Thing 2 by painting our hands (Thank you Pinterest)! They loved it, and I loved it too. On Friday, we made green eggs and ham, they didn't love the green eggs. Then I also bought candi quick, melted it and then had them make an egg shape on wax paper and put a green M&M in the middle. They thought this was so cool, and could not wait until after lunch to eat one of them. We had so much fun this week and I am looking forward to the upcoming weeks.

Weddings, Weddings, Weddings-It's that time of the year again, the time for wedding season to begin! Over the past two years I feel that I have attended more weddings than I could imagine, but here I am again with at least 5 weddings that I will be attending before the year is out. My friend Drew will be the first. He is getting married at the end of this month! Drew and I were in a bible study together and became very good friends. We have prayed about this day for a long time and I am so excited to celebrate with him and his wife on their special day. Next on the list is Cole and Lindsey. They both used to work at BBQ king. Cole and I were very close at one point, I can say for sure at one time that he was one of my best guy friends. It is so funny to me that they are getting married because I remember many years ago when Cole, Lindsey, Paolo, and I went to Charleston. On this trip Cole told me that he had some interest in Lindsey and I was like aww that's cute, little did I know that I would be attending their wedding in April! Life is crazy sometimes, but I am excited for both of them. June brings another wedding, my friend Andrew and then in August my friend Alysha who also worked with me at BBQ king. I am so glad that both of these people have found their soul mates! They deserve it. And let's round out the year with my friend Aleia getting married in December! I seriously cannot wait for this wedding, it is going to be a blast. A girl told me at work today that I was the "wedding witness queen." I am starting to believe that is true, but I love every second of it!

I also recently became a NANNY!! I pick these girls up everyday after my internship, take them home, do homework with them, etc until their parents get home. I LOVE IT! God truly blessed me with this job because I had been doing a lot of praying about finding something else to do with children and it was like BOOM this just fell into my lap. I have known this family for a long time, and I am so glad to spend more time with them. Also, I am going to do it this summer as well...YAY! I can't wait and an extra bonus is that they have a pool...I will be tan this summer.

In other news, God is teaching me so much during this season of my life. Post-college is a hard age because most of us aren't sure where we are going, or what exactly we want to be doing. I have had to adjust to moving back home and living with my parents. It hasn't been awful, but there are some days where I am ready to get out, but other days where I am content. God is showing me to be patient. He is showing me to trust in His timing. Good things are coming I just have to believe. When I walked across that stage in December I had no idea that I would be doing the things that I am doing right now, but I thankful. And the blessings keep coming.  God has placed me with a group of girls and we have been studying the book Made to Crave. This book is changing my life day by day. Believe me I could not do it without the help of the girls involved, but I am learning to eat healthier and live a healthier lifestyle and so far I have lost 8lbs!!! 

Praying and Believing!

1 comment:

  1. Winter,
    It brings joy to my heart to read that you are doing so well! I am so glad things are going great and that these wonderful opportunities are happening for you. How is Allie doing? You are very blessed and I can tell you are experiencing those blessing everyday! Those children are lucky to have you in their lives! Take care Winter!
