Sunday, January 30, 2011


I will be the first to admit that I have been in a great place here lately, or maybe I should say a content place with the Lord, with my life, with everything. I have always been the girl who was so worried about finding a man that it pretty much consumed my life. I had finally gotten to the point where I was okay with not having a man in my life right now, because I know that I'm obviously not ready, and neither is he. I know that God is preparing both of our hearts and that I need to learn to wait. Which like, I said the past month or so I have been in a very content place with waiting. Tonight, I felt like I took 2 steps back. All of my roommates have boys that they are "talking" to or dating. Don't get me wrong I am so happy for all of them especially Taylor because I have been able to watch her excitement grow about this guy. She has been such a blessing in my life this semester and I only want the best for her. I definitely this guy is it. It's just hard. Hard for me because I don't have that person that I can skype with every night, although Tyler said that I could come hang out with him and Taylor (thanks for that Tyler)! It's just that feeling that they are excited about new things going on in their lives and I don't have that. I know that their new relationships should not even affect me, but they do. Because I want that, I need that, but I just have to keep believing and trusting that my time will come. God is preparing me for that season in my life and it is just not time yet. So as I wait, I will be happy for my roommates and share in their excitement!

1 comment:

  1. Winter,
    I can see where you are coming from in a way. My friends/roommates are starting new relationships and I have been in the same one for two years. They are learning all about each other and are in that exciting stage where I am in the comfortable stage of being in a two year relationship and I know everything about my boyfriend. Though I have someone, its hard to watch their excitement grow.
    I have found a website called She Seeks which is a devision of proverbs 31 ministries that has given me a ton of encouragement during this time.
