Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I'm ready...ready to go back to Boone! I miss it a lot. I'm not so much ready for the school part, but I am ready for everything else. I miss my roommates. I miss coming in the door every day and someone asking how my day was (someone besides my parents). I miss knowing that if I need to talk all I have to do is walk in the next room or this year walk upstairs. I miss my CSC family. CSC has become such a huge part of my life during my college years and I miss it like crazy when I am not there. It is truly a blessing. Although, I don't miss the school part, I do miss all Child Development friends. It is so crazy the bond that you form with people when you have almost every single class together...I love it! For those who graduated I am going to miss you dearly! Things are just so different when you leave home and go off to school, and then when you come back for the summer. Although, I am working at the king I desperately am missing my friends. I realized the other day this is the first summer that I have not spent almost every single day at Arden Oaks pool with Anna or nights at the campground with Emaly. This is the first summer that both have them been MIA I guess. Emaly is married, and Anna is across the world in a different country. I am so happy for both of them, but I miss them. I think this is part  of the reason why I am so ready to go back to Boone. Also, I am living in a house in August and I am so excited about it. I am living with the 3 girls that I lived with last year, and then my friend Cait...yes 5 girls! It should be interesting, but I think it will be great. I still have a few exciting things left to do this summer, but  I am ready to get back to Boone with some of my favorite people in the world in one of my favorite places in the world!

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